

100% Maui Mokka

Origin: Kaanapali, Maui ; Variety: Maui Mokka is a varietal from Yemen and was cultivated on Maui specifically for Maui Grown Coffee. A hearty, dense small bean.

100% Maui Mokka Coffee

Our fresh Maui Mokka coffee is roasted to-order. This award-winning Hawaii coffee is medium-dark, heavy bodied, with aromas of dark chocolate and cinnamon.

100% Maui Mokka

By far one of Maui's best coffees! This small and mighty bean delivers a nutty flavor with chocolate overtones and hints of wine and fruit. Origin: Maui

Maui Mokka

Maui Mokka's bean is round and often mistaken for a peaberry. Upon closer examination one can notice the classic dicotyledonous flat side signifying two ...

Maui Mokka Coffee

Maui Coffee Company 100% Hawaiian Coffee, Ground (7 oz. Bag) - Dark Roast w Bold Clean Bright Full-Bodied Flavor - Grown & Small Batch Roasted in Hawaii.

Maui Mokka, Mokka, Mocha, Mokha

Maui Mokka coffee is distinguished by its petite, round berries and chocolatey flavors. Yes, “mokka” and “mocha” are related, but the reason they are ...

Maui Mokka

2023年5月1日 — At lighter roast degrees, Maui Mokka is sweet and smooth, with a potent note of milk chocolate. The aroma evokes hazelnut and dried fruit and ...

Mokka — Downtown Coffee Honolulu

Mokka is the premier coffee of MauiGrown Coffee. They refer to it as their champagne of coffee. It is very delicious and has tasting notes of chocolate. Roast ...

Select 14 Grade 極致莊園茂宜島莫卡

... Mokka 的咖啡品種在體積上雖屬小型的咖啡,其風味卻不容小覷,在2014年夏威夷咖啡杯測比賽中與 Kona 並列第一。風味具有濃郁的堅果香、焦糖的香甜柔滑、以及柔美的深 ...